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We are a trusted locally owned and operated petfood abattoir running for 30+ years. We provide a reliable service with competent staff.
Pudjeck Road, Timaru 7972
Call Toll Free: 0800 688 880 EXT 2
Hours of Operation:
7am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Text a message for collection:
027 228 7048
Your message must include: Name, Dairy Number, Collection address, Details about cow/horse.
We will call you to confirm details and collection.
We cover the following geographical region (approx.): Herbert – just south of Oamaru to Ashburton, and inland to Kurow – Fairlie – Geraldine. We collect injured or unwanted cattle/horses at no charge.
Farmed Mammal Supplier Statement
See Map
Contact us on 0800 688 880 EXT 2 if you are unsure whether we can collect your cows or horses.
Below are all the forms required to become a Registered Supplier of Rabbits, Hares, Deer, Wallabies and Possums, and how to supply us once registered. Note: all animals need to be head/shoulder shot and gutted.
If there is something you are not sure about, just give us a call 0800 688 880 EXT 2 and we can help.
Return the application form and exam to us by email: or post to NZ Petfoods, 32 Redruth St, Timaru 7910.
Fill in the Application Form. We need this so we have your details on file for MAF purposes
Become a registered supplier by completing and submitting the examination. Questions are covered in the Training Booklet.
Once registered complete the following forms when supplying animals, along with a topographical map with location of the animals shot, eg Google Map/GPS or similar.
This works by arranging delivery to the Abattoir and we process and return as meat for dog tucker.
Contact us for further information. 0800 688 880 EXT 2 or 027 228 7048.