Become a supplier

Adair Abattoirs

We are a trusted locally owned and operated petfood abattoir running for 30+ years. We provide a reliable service with competent staff.

Contact Information

Adair Abattoir

Pudjeck Road, Timaru 7972

Call Toll Free: 0800 688 880 EXT 2

Hours of Operation:
7am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Text a message for collection:
027 228 7048

Your message must include: Name, Dairy Number, Collection address, Details about cow/horse.
We will call you to confirm details and collection.

Collection of Horses/Cattle

We cover the following geographical region (approx.): Herbert – just south of Oamaru to Ashburton, and inland to Kurow – Fairlie – Geraldine. We collect injured or unwanted cattle/horses at no charge.

Farmed Mammal Supplier Statement See Map

Contact us on 0800 688 880 EXT 2 if you are unsure whether we can collect your cows or horses.

Stock we can collect

  • Unwanted healthy cows
  • Mastitis (except black and gangrenous mastitis)
  • Arthritis, Johnes Disease, Eczema
  • Down Cows
  • Cows treated with antibiotics, dry cow and most other drugs. We can take cows that are still in a meat withholding period
  • We can pick up Down Cows due to a traumatic injury such as a break or dislocation, calving, paralysis (within 4 days of calving) and lameness
  • Milk fever or grass stagger cows can be collected however they require a veterinary statement stating the condition, that the cow is fit for pet food, and they must be collected within 36 hours

Stock we cannot collect

  • Black and gangrenous mastitis
  • Blood poisoning
  • Systemic Illness
  • Salmonella, Peritonitis, Listeria, Acidosis, Ketosis
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Down cows for reasons other than a traumatic injury as listed above
  • Dead Cows

Supply Wild Game Animals

Below are all the forms required to become a Registered Supplier of Rabbits, Hares, Deer, Wallabies and Possums, and how to supply us once registered. Note: all animals need to be head/shoulder shot and gutted.

If there is something you are not sure about, just give us a call 0800 688 880 EXT 2 and we can help.
Return the application form and exam to us by email: or post to NZ Petfoods, 32 Redruth St, Timaru 7910.

Step 1

Fill in the Application Form. We need this so we have your details on file for MAF purposes

Application form

Step 2

Read the Training Booklet so you know what the requirements are.

Training Booklet

Step 3

Become a registered supplier by completing and submitting the examination. Questions are covered in the Training Booklet.

Wild Animal Examination

Step 4

Once registered complete the following forms when supplying animals, along with a topographical map with location of the animals shot, eg Google Map/GPS or similar.

Supplier Form Landowner Form

Contract processing service of sheep and goats on behalf

This works by arranging delivery to the Abattoir and we process and return as meat for dog tucker.

Contact us for further information. 0800 688 880 EXT 2 or 027 228 7048.