When it comes to caring for your pet, the one thing you don’t want is to take any chances on their diet. Over time raw pet foods have been supplemented with and frequently replaced by processed alternatives – often with none of the properties required for the biological needs of your beloved cat or dog.

Whether meals or treats, our philosophy is to provide you with natural, healthy, and nutritious products that are:

  • Designed with the health of your dog or cat in mind
  • Tasty enough to ensure your pet will love eating them
  • Ideal for pets with allergies
  • Easily stored, either fresh or frozen
  • Available in bulk from our retail shops for ease and affordability
  • Sold in the chiller and frozen petfood sections at selected South Island supermarkets near you

Made by a 100% NZ-owned and operated manufacturer.

Who are you shopping for?

Pick a brand that has been around long enough to earn the trust of New Zealand pet owners for decades.